En esta ocacion resañamos la nueva inicitiva de la
American Anthropologist Association. Ellos se lanzan al ruedo podcasteril con su

propio programa.
Esencialmente son las grabaciones de los encuentros y reuniones que ellos programan, aunque prometen generar contenidos exclusivos.
Para ellos es facil ya que con tanta tradición y bagaje los contenidos sobran.
Our ongoing Profiles in Practice podcast series continues with Judy Tso, a practicing anthropologist and owner of Aha Solutions in Maryland. After acquiring her bachelors at UPenn’s Wharton School and working for eight years, Judy acquired a masters in Applied Anthropology at the University of Maryland. She describes what led her to study anthropology and how she was able to marry her interests in social justice and culture with her business background by transitioning into diversity consulting and training. Her interview provides insights into networking at conferences, shifting careers, becoming a consultant, and the importance of being creative and versatile in today’s marketplace. Tso also describes the skills that anthropologists have (or don’t know they have) and how students can articulate and market them. Read more »
Link del audio (AAA Podcast??)
Sin mas que decir me despido y no olviden escucharlo con calma por que esta en
Jean Wolf